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Newsletter - May 2024

Chief Scout's Commendation for Meritorious Conduct

We are extremely proud to announce that Kala - one of our Cub Leaders - was recently awarded the Chief Scout's Commendation for Meritorious Conduct. This is a rare award given to people who have displayed "...meritorious conduct of an exceptionally high standard e.g. exceptional acts of bravery with no risk to life, or exceptional dedication to the Scouts despite the difficulties they have endured".

Kala received this award for her part in saving a life, when her husband suffered a heart attack - she gave CPR and worked with paramedics on the scene until he could be transported to the hospital.

This is in no small part due to the first aid skills she's learnt through Scouts, and we are extremely honoured to have her as one of our volunteer Leaders.

Heart attack symptoms

Symptoms to look for if you suspect someone is having a heart attack include:

  • chest pain – a feeling of pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across your chest
  • pain in other parts of the body – it can feel as if the pain is spreading from your chest to your arms (usually the left arm, but it can affect both arms), jaw, neck, back and tummy
  • feeling lightheaded or dizzy
  • sweating
  • shortness of breath
  • feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting)
  • an overwhelming feeling of anxiety (similar to a panic attack)
  • coughing or wheezing

If in doubt - call 999.

You can find out more about dealing with a suspected heart attack on the NHS website.

The Big Help Out - 7th-9th June 2024

This years' Big Help Out takes place in June, and we are once again planning a day of activities around the Den to help keep the area tidy.

This year we are also looking to do some painting inside the Den in order to brighten things up a bit - so don't forget your paint brush!

We are still working out the details - and again are looking to set up a small team to help with the organisation. If you have some time to spare, or would like to do some baking to help feed the workers - we'd be happy to hear from you.

The Big Hlep Out started a few yers ago in honour of the King's Coronation, and the Scouts are one of the main organisations supporting it.

Save the date! - 6th Farnborough Scouts Social and AGM - 7th July 2024

Our team of Trustees are starting to organise our Annual General Meeting - and we're looking to return to a more fun format than in the last few years! We aim to keep the formalities to a minimum, and have some fun activities and food to make it more of a social occasion.

We are in need of some volunteers to help us plan the event, and are organising a small AGM sub-team to spread the load a bit. If you are able to help in anyway - then please let us know.

There will be a raffle on the day - so please bring your monies with you! If your workplace is willing to help us with this event, by offering a prize for the raffle, we'd be extremely grateful :-)


6th Farnborough Scouts is a registered charity, and we're fortunate to own our own meeting place - the Trailblazer's Den. The rising costs of living have also effected the group, and we are in need of fundraising to help us pay our utility bills, insurance, and pay for the loo roll!

Easyfundraising is an easy way to help us raise the much needed funds we need, and it just means a slight change to your online shopping. Simply visit the Easyfundraising website and sign up. There is even a donation reminder you can add to your browser to let you know if your online retailer is part of the scheme - and with one simple click you can send some monies our way.

For those that shop online using your mobile phone - there is a handy Easyfundraising app you can use!

Most major supermarkets are members of the scheme, so if you do your weekly shop online - it's easy to raise some money for our group. Just access your online retailer via the easyfundraising website before you shop.

New activity wear

We are delighted to announce we have now re-introduced a range of activity wear you can get for your child. These are brilliant extras you can get which children can take on camp and on other activities outside of the hut (where full uniform isn't required - such as night hikes).

In the shop you can purchase:

  • T-shirts
  • Polo shirts
  • Hoodies
  • Fleeces
  • Paracord woggles

All itms (excluding the woggle!) come branded with the 6h Farnborough Scouts logo and for a small extra fee you are able to get your child's name printed across the shoulders on the back of the T-shirts, Hoodies, and poloshirts - so you wouldn't even have to sew in a name badge!

Click here to visit the shop!

Hire our Hall

Did you know you can hire the Trailblazers Den? You would have use of the kitchen and the hall as well as the toilets. We also have tables and chairs, and even a skittle alley!

Our rates are very reasonable, and all we ask is that you leave the facilities in a clean and tidy state - and take all rubbish home with you (sadly we don't have a rubbish collection for the Den).

If you are interested, please email us : secretary@6thfarnboroughscouts.org.uk.