Scouting isn't just for children - it wouldn't happen at all if we didn't have adult volunteers to help run meetings, maintain the premises, as well as fundraise and keep on top of the administration.
There are various roles you can consider doing within our Group.
Being a Leader in Scouting is an immensely rewarding experience. It's not just children who learn new skills, so do our Leaders - via a range of face-to-face courses and online learning. All our current Leaders also offer support and reassurance to anyone new to the role.
You may not think you have the skill set to become a Leader, but you do! - everyone has something to offer. Our Leaders all have "day jobs" ranging from Nurse, Space scientists, School assiatants and Chefs. It is their passion and drive to give something back to scoiety and help children achieve their potential that makes the difference.
"I love being able to introduce children to new experiences they may not get a home. Most parents wouldn’t let their children near a fire, but in Scouting they learn about making camp fires, and cooking on them!” - Bear, 6th Farnborough Scouts, Group Scout Leader
Being a Scout Leader means becoming part of a team of adults and gaining new experiences - all of which look good on a CV! You will be given full support and training, and you will have the rest of the Leaders team to draw on for help and guidance.
You don't have to become a Leader straight away - why not dip your toe in the water and become a Sectional assistant? Sectional assistants are not "uniformed" Leaders, but they attend meetings and support Leaders to run them. You can do this role for as long as you like, and you may even find the confidence to move up to a full Leader role.
Those young adults who moved on to Explorer Scouts can also undertake the Young Leader Award programme, and come back to our Scout Group to become a Young Leader. This is an excellent stepping stone to becoming a full Leader once they turn 18-years old.
"I became a young Leader because I wanted to help the group that helped me. I wanted to give something back. Scouting has given me confidence and given me important skills that I can use for the rest of my life. I enjoy being able to help young people achieve their best." - Daniel, Young Leader.
Other young people undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh Award, have also volunteered to be a young leader in our Group as this counts towards the Volunteering section of the Award.
"Taking part in the Scout Young Leader Programme has given me the opportunity to give something back to a scouting group that has been both lots of fun and a great support to me. The training offered and leadership skills gained will help me too in whatever I choose to do for my future." - Lex, Young Leader.
If you are interested in becoming a Leader, then please contact our Group Scout Leader on gsl@6thfarnboroughscouts.org.uk.
Scouting isn't just about the Children - it's a real sense of community spirit and when your child joins Scouting, so - in a way - do you. We encourage our parents and guardians to get involved with the Group giving however much time they can spare.
The Trustee Board are responsible for the administration of the Group, from the finances to the maintainance of the hut - anything that is needed to support our Leaders to deliver quality inclusive Scouting to the children in the Group. As a registered chairty, by law, we have to have a Chairman, a Secretary, and Treasurer - and these roles are elected at our AGM.
We like to have parents from each section on the Trustee Board to help us as helps spread the load. Volunteering for the Trustee Board does not require a huge commitment. The Trustee Board meets roughly every six-weeks during term time. And like becoming a Leader, you may not think you have anything to offer the Trustee Board, but you would be surprised at what skills you have. Are you on Facebook or Twitter a lot? - then you could help with our Social Media presence! Are you good at persuading people? - then you can help us with fundraising! Are you in a trade? Then you could help us maintain the hut. Do you own a washing machine? - then you could help us with cleaning the tea towels each week.
"I joined the Committee because my children are in the Group. I have no real Scouting skills to speak of, but I'm able to contribute in other ways, such as writing newsletters, and minutes of meetings; co-ordinating the waiting list; writing websites; and creating presentations. You don't have to know your woggle from your reef knots to be able to contribute to the Group, and it's lovely to feel part of the bigger 'family' that is Scouting. It's my way of giving back and saying thank you to all the Leaders who are helping my children learn #skillsforlife.” - Liane, Group secretary
If you are interested in joining the committee, then please contact our Chairman on chairman@6thfarnboroughscouts.org.uk.
Every year we ideally need to raise around £2,000+ in order to ensure we can pay our bills and maintain the hut and equipment. This is huge sum for a small group, so we are always on the look out for help for fundraising ideas and opportuinities (such as applying for grants etc). If you can spare any time to help us - or even if you just use the links on our fundraising page to help use raise money via your online shopping - every little helps!
Picture credit : Photo by Perry Grone is used under Unsplash licence / Image has been cropped.