We have moved our wiating list directly into our Online Scouting Management (OSM) system. You will need to create an account in OSM in order to register your child on our waiting list. Due to the way OSM works, and how me manage our waiting list, you will first fill in a basic information form.
You will then be sent an email with a link in to allow you to amend your details in the future (should you move for example) - please click this link!. You will be asked to create an account in OSM at this point. Once created you will be able to provide the additional information we need to prioritise your child on the waiting list.
If at any point you wish to remove your child from the waiting list, then please email our secretary on secretary@6thfarnboroughscouts.org.uk.
Any spaces becoming available within the Group will be allocated in the following order of priority to:
Picture credit : Photo by Rene Bernal is used under Unsplash licence / Image has been cropped.