How often do children attend meetings?
All Sections meet once a week on different days, and only during school term times. Please see the homepage of this website for days and times for each section.
Where do we meet?
We meet at : Off Cheyne Way, Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 8SA.
Does my child have to make a promise to God when they are invested? No. Although the traditional "promise" children make when joining a Section within our Group does mention God, there are alternative promises children can use. Simply make your feelings known to your Section Leader before your child is invested.
Does it cost anything? Yes, we currently charge £52 a term, per child. In addition there is a one-off joining fee of £7 to cover the cost of the scarf and starter badges.
While all our volunteers give their time freely, and we are a registered charity - fundraising only brings in so much money to the Group - we still have to maintain the facilities we use (we are extremley fortunate to have our own meeting hut). In addition The Scouts Association (TSA), operates on a number of levels, and levy fees at both a Central HQ and District level. We have to pay these out of the subscription fees you pay us.
Can I pay in childcare vouchers? No. In 2008 The Scout Association received confirmation from HM Government that Scouting is, by definition, not considered "child care" and so elements of the Children’s Act to not apply to The Scout Association. This includes registration with OFSTED as a childcare provider. Subsequently, use of child care vouchers or gettting help paying for child care is not applicable to Scouting.
Do we have to pay fees before my child attends a meeting?
No, you will only be expected to pay fees once your child is invested into the Group. All children are offered a trial period of up to three-weeks to ensure they are settled and happy. Scouting may not be for everyone, and/or the child may not feel comfortable within our Group. In such cases we can suggest other Scouting Groups in the area that may be a better fit for your child.
Where can I buy the uniform? You can buy the uniform from the Blackwater Valley District Scout shop. It's open on most Thursday evenings between 7-9pm and Saturday mornings between 10am-12-noon during Hampshire term times only.
We recommend checking the Blackwater Valley Scout District Facebook page for any messages regarding opening times before going as the shop is manned by volunteers, and can be closed at short notice.
Note you will need to be "buzzed in" at the gate, please just press the button and say you are coming for the Scout shop and someone will let you through the gate.
Where do I sew on the badges!?
Where a badge goes on the uniform depends on the type of badge. Information on which badge goes where can be found on The Scouts Association website.
What is OSM?
OSM is our Online Scouting Management tool that we use to manage our Scouting activities. It can be accessed from here. We use OSM to store information about your child for the purpose of Scouting in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) guidelines, and information will only be kept whilst they are part of our Group. You will not receive emails from 3rd parties. OSM is used for (but not limited to): recording progress of work towards badges; communicating via email to parents; managing on-line payments for subscriptions, camps and special actvities. It is also used by Leaders to plan their programme of activities, and parents can view and/or import this into their own calendars.
Picture credit : Photo by Andrea Piacquadio is used under Pexels licence | Picture of the District Scout Shop is originally from Google Maps, a link to which is given above.